2660 Signal Parkway, Signal Hill, CA

GM Properties, Inc. proudly presents 2660 Signal Parkway. This 17,794 square foot industrial building is now available for lease. The Signal Hill building is located on one of the most highly desired streets of Signal Hill. Signal Parkway is a double wide street for UNPARALLELED truck access and is strategically located near the Port of Long Beach and Long Beach Airport, as well as the I-405, i-605, I-710 and I-110 freeways. The building is zoned CI (Commercial Industrial) and is ideal for manufacturinG with 600 AMPs of 277/480V power, well distributed electrical and fire sprinklers. The building features excellent on-site parking options as well as outside storage capabilities, two Oversize ground level loading doors and two dock high loading positions. take a virtual tour Below.

2660 Signal Parkway, Signal Hill, CA.

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 For more information, please contact exclusive agent:

Matt WAgner

(562) 762-3140


Lic. 01418533

13305 Penn Street, Suite 200

Whittier, CA 90602

Lic. 01238514